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full screen on vids
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Mensaje full screen on vids 
for some reason my fullscreen function is not looks as if it wants to but i just get a black screen with no controls .....i'm a subscriber so I should be able to use this function.

Wondering if you can help me ...have i missed a update???

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Mensaje ......... 
anyone wanna help me with this???? :(

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Have you tried installing the latest version of Flash? For best results, use the Feedback link at the top of the page to ask for help. Be sure to let admin know what browser you're using, your O.S. and what version of Flash you have installed (right-click on the video player to find out).

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You need to have the latest version of Adobe Flash installed on your computer, as all our videos are streamed through Flash. To download it, please visit

If you do not think this is the problem, please contact admin and let them know what browser and OS versions you are using.

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