Submissive Lynn

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Met a guy I had worked with a few years ago, after a couple of drinks he admitted having problems at home. He said his wife was a submissive but he wasn't really a dom to the degree that she needed. He asked for help. I told him that I would help out
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Publicado por: sparemaker en el 2017-11-22 20:02:29
I told him there would be a cost though, not financial I have to add, but I would have to own his wife, if she was to be a real submissive. We met up again a week later and he told me his wife had agreed, mainly because we had worked together so I was not just some stranger off the street. This set of pics is the progress that has been made with her into the realms of true submission. E-mail address is if you are interested in more
Publicado por: gazzer123 en el 2017-11-23 12:09:05
Ouuch , feel the pain x
Publicado por: evas18924 en el 2019-03-20 05:08:50
Hi, add Margaret00 to your friends on: