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beautyluv12 said:
Salutations de lilian.lilianmaxwell583 @ yahoo.com) Je me sentais
comme communiquer avec vous, mon nom est Lilian, j'ai le plaisir
de cultiver une amitié saine avec vous, dans le respect. J'ai un
grand intérêt à prendre contact avec hubbies you.My sont la lecture,
le sport, la cuisine et les voyages, l'aventure, ia jolie fille
suis un cœur honnête qui cherche une relation stable. Je comprends
qu'il est important d'établir des bases durables pour une
relation durable. Je suis à la recherche d'une relation à long
terme, je vous enverrai ma photo dans mon prochain courrier s'il
vous plaît me contacter à cette adresse mon email nouveaux;
(lilianmaxwell583@yahoo.com) pas à m'écrire retour
Cordialement lilian

Greetings from lilian.lilianmaxwell583@yahoo.com) I felt like
communicating with you, my name is lilian, is my pleasure to cultivate
a healthy friendship with you, with due respect. I have great interest
in contacting you.My hubbies are reading, sports, cooking and
traveling, adventure,i a nice looking girl am an honest heart
that's looking for a stable relationship. I understand it is
important to lay down lasting foundation for a lasting relationship.
I'm looking for a long term relations i will send you my photo
in my next mail please contact me with this my new email
address;(lilianmaxwell583@yahoo.com) free to write me back Yours
Sincerely lilian
dorisbay12 said:
Hi, I am Doris! please how are you,hope you are fine and in perfect
condition of health.I went through your profile in www.yuvutu.com and
I read it and took interest in it,please if you don't mind I will
like you to write me on this ID(dorismabou34@yahoo.com)hope to hear
from you soon,and I will be waiting for your mail because I have
something VERY important to tell you. Never in my wildest dreams did I
ever believe this would ever happen. I never expected to fall so
deeply in love so fast. It all started after reading profile first.
Lots of love Doris. dorismabou34@yahoo.com
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  •   30/03/14
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  •   02/03/14
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