Have only been with one man entire life. I am 59 yrs old. not bad body..been told my best feature is my breasts with large pink nipples. Shaved with a little left to remind you I am a woman not a *****. Only interested in sex nothing else. I know what I
Hi, add Susan97 to your friends on: fantazm%2eonline#pantherfan
realmande said:
Copy & paste
frisky60 said:
Thanks for the post on my Profile page. I hope to see you here soon.
sleepy49 said:
I give moustache rides for free ;-)~
pantherfan said:
Well Frisky 60 you can communicate with me at pantherfan2007@yahoo.com
frisky60 said:
You look to be just the woman for me, pity my cock is in Germany and your pussy in USA!!
realmande said:
Missing you!!!
realmande said:
Hi hon, viewed your comments, just for the record I would suck you off until you came good in my mouth. I'm available for you, cum visit me....
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