Looking down at her face, her eyes closed so that her lashes lay in crescents against her cheeks, her bottom lip caught between her teeth, he was overcome by a feeling of tenderness the likes of which he'd never known. She looked so small beneath him, vulnerable, but so open and trusting, and he thought suddenly that perhaps the secret a woman had in binding a man to her was in this vulnerability, in her defenselessness when receiving a man into her body..... She wriggled then impatiently, breaking into his brief reverie, putting her hands on his back, trying to pull him into her, and as he eased himself inside her, he bent his head down and kissed her rose ***** lips, sliding his tongue against hers. When he was fully inside her, he felt the tight sheath of her pussy contract around his throbbing cock and he held perfectly still for an instant, savoring the moment, wishing to prolong the marvel forever..... He withdrew smoothly and then pushed in again, trying to go slowly, fighting for control, but she drew him into a quicker, more urgent rhythm, her fingertips digging into his back. Neither of them was aware of anything else save the hunger, the clamor of their bodies for that pure, orgasmic assuagement, and together they reached for it, stretching, thrusting, rocking together in the sweetest music of all, the music that rose and fell, sang and wept. He murmured to her, telling her how good, how good she felt, and she twisted beneath him, orgasm overcoming her once again, and she cried out, the thin, sharp cry of a vixen, wild and sweet, with its little rising sob at the end. Senseless with sensation, she released her hold about his shoulders and reached blindly above her head to grasp the brass bars of the headboard. Her hips shifted beneath him and he felt her legs twining again about his waist. So close himself to cumming, he rose up on his arms, holding himself above her, the new leverage allowing him to thrust harder, deeper. Her pussy pulsed around his driving cock, quick little pulls like a miniature heartbeat, and she cried out "Fuck me, oh, yes, fuck me, fuck me....." Sinking into her with each stroke was like plunging into a blissfully warm lake on a starry, summer's night, and in a flash the ecstasy was upon him, boiling up from deep in his groin, and he plunged into her one last time, his entire body stiffening and straining as his cum erupted inside her with all the convinces of nature, and a wrenching sound that was half roar, half groan escaped his throat, he was cumming, cumming, cumming........The release was so great his arms seemed to give way and he collapsed on top of her, his panting mouth pressed once more into her the softness of her bosom. He rested there, feeling the quick patter of her heartbeat beneath his lips, and a fine, deep calm came over him, where nothing moved, where the universe was still. Her arms came down from the headboard to curl around him and she sighed mightily, replete, sated. They lay there in the dim light and the quiet music, warm and soothing, eddied in the air around them. 'Before this moment,' he thought, 'I have been sleeping, senseless. Now, no longer.' A long, sweet time later when their respiration had slowed to near-normal, he rolled them onto their sides, needing to see her face, wanting her to speak. Her lips were curved into a serene smile, her forehead and cheeks flushed with deep rose, and at last her lashes flickered and the tip-tilted lids opened, revealing her sea-water eyes. She gazed lovingly at him, and raised her pinkie finger to his face to trace delicately the line of his strong nose, his fine chin. Her lips parted and he waited, breathless, for her to speak. "Hi," she said. "Lovely to meet you."

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