Thank you for your nice comments on Mike's and my video. Always appreciate positive criticism on my bj skills. Hugs, Rhea (mikenrhea videos)
juliad57710 said:
Hi, add Maria86 to your friends on the site:
juliad57710 said:
Here she is: fantazm%2eonline#princecharles
johnambrose said:
thanks for the comments glade u like the videos
jillsuckscock said:
Glad you enjoyed Jill's video ;)~
northernenglandcouple said:
Thanks so much for your Kind words about our photos and videos... encourages us to continue to make more!!! We do appreciate you making time to tell us an gives us motivation...Love Carol
3gpload said:
Thanks for the comments :)
hippywayne1969 said:
thanks for your comment and the next vid I'm posting shows not only head but atm
cobble684 said:
thanks for commenting on our vid. glad you enjoyed.
metal33 said:
hey na magst du mollige damen ? melde dich bitte bei ( ) mein nik ist anna habe bilder da hoffe hast noch lust auf mich lg grüsse
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We are so appreciative of your taking the time to comment. It gets us on the timelines and we get more viewers. We would suggest you get more friends because some people don't like the ratings and are doing friends only. Some goofballs rate low ,
You are so nice to take a little time and leave people complements. XXX, Jody