rodger1 info personal

  United Kingdom
  • rodger1

  • Ocupación:
  • Intereses:
  • Sexo: Hombre
  • Fecha de nacimiento:
  • Grupo étnico:
  • Estado civil: Solo
  • Sexualidad: Hetero
  • Tabaco:
  • Altura: 185 cm 6 ft 1 in
  • Complexión: Normal
  • Detalles sexuales: Medio
  • Formación: Diplomado
  • Nacionalidad: Éire
  • País de residencia: United Kingdom
  • Estado, provincia o región:
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  • Se ha añadido una cita: 2008-03-28
  • Última visita: Para ver esta información, debes haberte suscrito antes.
  • Disponible para encontrarnos: No



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 Look into my eyes, my love
Tell me that you care
Do you like what’s in between your lips
Can you feel my heartbeat there?

Can you feel my pulse increasing
As your tongue caresses me
Can you see the excitement in my eyes
As you suckle me tenderly?

I wonder what is in your thoughts
As you gaze so eagerly
Is your oral pleasure satisfied
In your act of pleasing me?

The pleasure that you’re giving me
As your mouth does its wondrous feat
Makes me writhe in euphoric ecstasy
My masculinity complete

Will you take the gift I can’t suppress
That soon you’ll feel explode
And will my pleasure be yours as well
As you swallow my copious load?

Loves first kiss.

Loves first kiss is a splendid thing
It’s cause for lonely hearts to sing
It makes a heart beat hard and strong
And makes you feel like you belong

Loves first touch is ice and fire
A gentle touch to first inspire
A sweet caress to that makes you sigh
A growing need you can’t deny

Loves first embrace is bittersweet
Two bodies building steady heat
You long to make it hard and fast
And yet you want to make it last

Loves first glimpse of naked truth
The burning heat and need of youth
You stare into such lustful eyes
The one who longs to hear your cries

Loves first bed so soft and sweet
Between the sheets two bodies meet
His manhood throbs so hard with need
His lions are filled with heated seed

Loves first sweet and gentle taste
He shall not leave a drop to waist
He moves between her thighs so white
Her womanhood so warm and tight

Loves first thrust is like no other
A second push to help recover
She wraps him in her legs so tight
He shows her love with all his might

Loves first release a cry of pleasure
Such ecstasy a thing to treasure
The sweat and heat of loves first kiss
Is not a thing too ever miss.

My heartfelt thanks.

How? Just how on earth did I end up with friends like the folks here?

I was blown away by the response to my last blog!

To say that the people on here are a lot more than just interested in a little flirtation or porn just doesn't do them justice.

Stu once said to me when I had only been here a short while, that it was all about the people here. To give it a chance and see what happens. I could have had no idea just what that would become. Friendships like these are so few and far between that it really reafirms my faith in humanity.

My heartfelt thanks and love to all who commented.

As Sax says.............................. Nothing more to say!

Finding life here a little dificult at the moment.

Sometimes just a look or a word or a touch can open up new worlds when two of the same mind are together. This is how I explain what happens when I take your hands and see your smile. My world expands and is never the same again. I feel weak, yet strong, impotent of thought, yet virile in desire, lost in mind, yet found in my soul. I feel everything good all at once.

I feel like I could burst with the joy I feel in my heart.

You make me more than I really am. You make me better than I really am. But you could never make me want you more, for I am consumed by you. I am taken over and given over to you and by you. You are woman, devine and perfect in my eyes. And I see you so clearly now, even though my eyes are filled with passion for you. That doesn't diminish my sight, but enhances your beauty and sensuality as I look at you.

Your flesh warms mine and causes my pulse to join yours in the cadence of life, as I want my body to join yours and become one. I feel your breath on my skin, wet and warm and sent from deep inside you, and I want to grab every little vapor and hold it, for it was in you and now is mine. I want everything I can have of you. And I want nothing from you...except all.

If we were lovers, I would hold you against me and tell you over and over of my love for you. I would touch your arms with a soft caress that would let all of my care for you flow into you. I would kiss your lips with a tenderness that would melt your heart as you melt mine. I would look in your eyes and tell you stories of complete and fulfilled love.

I would sing songs for you that never had been heard before and I would cause the birds to join in my praise of you. I would paint huge murals of colors so brilliant that eyes could not see them all, as tribute to your beauty. I would run faster and jump higher than mortals can. I would do anything for you.

If we were lovers, I would crush your body against mine and rock you with my desire and lust, and you would feel orgasms flow over you as I labored and pleasured to release your tension and repressed needs. And I would move gently and slowly in and on you as we became as one. Hot flesh, pressing together, writhing and moving and undulating in our deliciously rich love, lost to everything but us.

If we were lovers, you would lie with me and words would not be needed, for our hearts would know our thoughts. And we would drift away together, peacefully lost to the world.

And I would love you.

If we were lovers.

But we are not, never will be, and it just saddens me.

Just a little online romance.

He met her at night when others were in bed.
She came to him in whispers. She often wore bright red.
Sometimes he would lead her in a dance upon the clouds,
other times she’d offer a place that knows no bounds.

Tonight though it is different. These beings much in love,
hold hands and touch each other. The web of lies are done.
She confessed her secrets and told her life goodbye.
He welcomed her in open arms and will hold her if she’d cry.

They start off together. No more phone calls shall sedate,
for in each others arms they finally tempted fate.
Each one took a step though both were scared they’d fall.
With time, hope, and passion, they tore down the others’ wall.

Distance is defeated and lips mingle in delight.
Neither is a victim in an erotic bliss that’s right.
His hand trails through her hair and tilts her head to the left.
His mouth is like a snare and her kiss is what he theft.

Tongues explore all angles while hands move down a spine.
Both want to bring the other to an edge that’s so sublime.
So he takes a moment and drags in a ragged breath,
as she removes her clothing in an erotic dance of death.

His heart stops for a moment as he feasts upon her skin.
She's smooth like silk and satin, that he can’t wait to be within.
His fingers move much faster as he sheds his clothing too.
She’s looking very hungry and her offerings his cue.

On his knees he drops, for there is no secret there,
he longs to taste her sweetness. Her scent is his to wear.
Fingers clench the muscles of shoulders she must grip,
as his tongue licks up the waves and becomes a sailing ship.

He strokes the water’s edge with a hunger that is strong.
Her knees they start to waver and it won’t be very long,
before she hits the shore and a shouts her lover’s name.
A sound he longs to hear. One she can finally claim.

Falls of heated moisture, he starts to wash away,
his mouth drinks through the satin and she starts to sway.
He helps her to the wall and slides against her form.
Their bodies touch each other. They are so far from warm.

She’s boiling inside as her eyes connect with his,
and knows there is no looking back for this is what it is.
Two people now together, merge as friends and mates.
Both no longer holding out, no more to contemplate.

The gliding and the thrusting drive them to the edge.
Words of love and romance they both begin to pledge.
The wall is hard and splintered. It scraps skin so soft and fine.
But it doesn’t really matter for they have finally crossed the line.

His mouth captures a nipple and they throw caution to the wind.
Together they are one, neither feel like they have sinned.
He covers her with kisses and lets her slide back down.
Hand in hand they walk to a place where they aren’t bound.

Yet in their heady, steamy touches, kisses, hopes, and dreams,
no answer will present themselves. This is exactly what it seems.
It is to good to be the truth. To rich a loving scene.
Now their trembling hands, switch off computer screens.

Fingers reach and softly touch, the cold and lifeless box.
Two hands now are separate. Two hearts are full of shock.
Both sit back and wonder when the hurt will stop.
Neither has the answer and so their hearts just drop.

Hurting is concealed until another round.
When destiny is tested and fingers make the sound
of heated words and passion, that stir the very soul.
They know that they are dreaming, yet they have no self-control.


For the ladies in my life, which although are many are all

Hold me until the light sky turns dark
Through the night while stars shine,
The moon sends its gentle beams through the curtains
And the birds quieten.

Hold me while we sleep and our breath slows
To an even pace that echoes our hearts beating,
And dreams chase each other
Through our unconscious minds.

Hold me as we wake, each alone even as we embrace
And the night sky lightens to a pale blue,
While the sun creeps above the horizon
And the new day brings the separation that we dread.

grace4035 said:
B e s t S e x D a t i n g, open link >>>>>
sexyjc said:
happy new year rodger!!!!!! hope the new year brings u much happiness
and pervering.... love chatting with u on site ... u are a great
assest to this site kisses and hugs xxxxx sexy JC u hot man....
soggybottom said:
hey poet wannabe - don't quit your day job.
saxon said:
Rodger, merry x-mas m8 plz come back soon if not have a great new year
hotpolarbear said:
The space on my sofa is yours! xxxxxxxxxx
stu_uk said:
awww wodger :D your welcome your a great assest :P
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