B e s t S e x D a t i n g, open link >>>>> www.date4fuq.com?idsexyoldercouple5556
kasoo said:
you are a very sexy lady
brasshammer said:
You guys are hot. I love your vids and hope you post more.
morebj said:
nice vids. :) Wanna see u on live cam : http://tinyurl.com/only-livecam
antreas23 said:
kisses from greece aantre@yahoo.com
ktg said:
HOw I would love to fuck B. Glad to see you made the move from Flickr.
navstud said:
Hello: Was surfing around in here and found your postings and just wanted to tell you that we feel you are one fantasic lady and we would love to chat or trade with you and your hubby. We are new to posting vids but have a very short one here, just check out it out. So if you care to chat or trade with an older couple drop us a line in here or at navstud946@hotmail.com and lets enjoy life. But do keep posting you are one arousing lady! Keep smiling
Mark & Jackie
priapus said:
I really love your videos. Every day I log onto yutuvu hoping to find a mutual masturbation video As you may have guessed and if you looked at my Profile, this 80 year old has a fascination—one could even say, an obsession, with mutual masturbation and I'd love to see you two watching each other orgasm. Please let me know if you do video the event so I won't miss it.
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