squat fuck -2min18

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02 min 18 sec
She wont take her underwear off!
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Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-08 01:17:31
She has a <B> DICK <B>
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-08 01:37:24
stupid old bitch
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-08 03:16:27
thats a dude
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-08 05:55:03
Hmm yes,is the non existent breasts the give away thats a dude?Or the lack of penetartion closeups?Or the lack of underwear removal?Is that little bulge in the panties a dick,or a fold?It sounds female.Im honestly not sure,but either way its pretty fucking boring,we dont really even know if they are fucking at all!Bland and boring,and confusing.The critic
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-08 05:57:38
Actually on second view it is a woman and it is a real fuck,the opening bit shows us a bit of pussy...still not great though.The critic
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-08 15:50:34
most of the video was of her face get the ass and the pussy and fuck stick
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-08 20:46:22
boring yes.. but is it a man? no, i don't think it is. many women have small tits or like to fuck with panties pulled to the side like a slut.
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-09 08:54:25
she's like a jacky photo finish
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-09 15:55:12
That always feels good but lets see your tits/'''
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-09 16:29:01
nice girl and i love her
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-09 22:41:24
why so many negative comments? She has such a sexy voice, and its a real fuck, not some made up crap. I love hearing her whispering. would like a translation
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-12 10:54:39
I bet she sucks, swallows & takes it up the ass
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-10-16 08:17:54
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-11-03 18:55:12
Mensaje de: Anónimo encendido 2006-11-11 01:08:38
i love her body and her breasts. love to see her naked. thanks for sharing.
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