8mm color film - year 1965 (full version)

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02 min 33 sec
This is the full version of my 8mm film of 1965. My girlfriend posing for me with different underwear. Movie shot with a Bolex Paillard 8mm cinecamera. Dedicated to all those who appreciate the beauty of a female body. Questa è la versione completa del mio film in 8mm del 1965. La mia ragazza posa per me con biancheria intima diversa. Film girato con una cinepresa Bolex Paillard 8mm. Dedicato a tutti quelli che apprezzano la bellezza di un corpo femminile.
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Mensaje de: gericomman encendido 2012-06-26 15:05:28
This is the must beautyful post on this site, she is so so beautyfull, please tell us where she is now, did you marry her? Do you have photos of her now? Where was she from. Thanks for posting such wonderful videos. Please please post more
Mensaje de: amigo23444 encendido 2012-06-26 15:42:25
Mensaje de: oldhippie2 encendido 2012-06-26 15:58:14
A beautiful woman indeed. Did you keep her? Thanks for sharing this classic video.
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