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  • 9soccer9

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His Hold On Me

Message us if you want more of this story...

This is my true story. Everything in this story did actually happen. I have changed names and locations of the people in this book. My participation in the events in this story were completely and totally with my permission and cooperation. I was a willing participant. As a matter of fact, in some situations, I was the instigator.
A lot of this story has strong sexual situations and graphic language.
I have no regrets about what occurred during the timeframe of this story. I am just sorry about the way it ended. I wish the whole thing ended differently.
The emails and texts that are in this story are copied from my records and are how they actually were communicated. Sometimes there was crossover between the emails, text, and phone calls as to the conversations we had. All text conversations are in bold and emails are italicized.
I did not use an editor or publisher. This is a 100% true story and I don’t want to alter it or add filler to make it sound better. I want all the events to be explained as they actually happened.
This account is just the two-month erotic exploration I had with my ex-boyfriend and my husband.
I know that some of the things that occurred were wrong. I wasn’t sure about writing this story or even putting it out there for others to read. But I don’t want to regret not doing this. It is just too crazy not be true was my thought when I decided to write this. I know I am not the only person that this has happened to, but this one is strange for sure.

November 9, 2023 - Thursday
11:54 AM
What color is your hair?
Wow, why would he ask that question first unless he knew the answer.
The answer was red.
It has to be him.
I don’t know if I can answer. I am so nervous. My husband isn’t home yet. He is on his way home from work. Maybe I can tell him we finally got someone to reply after months of trying to locate him.
I hadn’t talked to him in over 36 years. I just stare at the email on my phone. The email I sent was a final attempt to get a reply from him.
Now I get a text from Ron. Let’s Go. I go outside to wait for him to pull into the driveway. Moments later, I open the car door and get in. Off to Starbucks we go. Should I tell him now or wait until we get home. It would be a short ride, only about 10 minutes round trip. Once we get back from Starbucks, we go inside and Ron has his work station hooked back up. I sit in the office and open my laptop.
I click on the email tab. It is now anxiety that I am feeling. I have a big smile on my face. I look at Ron and I say “He replied”
“Really, what did he say?”
“What color is your hair.” I answer
“Answer him.” Ron said
One simple word, RED I reply and hit send.
“It’s got to be him, right?” I asked
DING. I got an instant reply.
What was your nickname?
On my God. It is him. How am I going to answer. I had a hard time even saying the nickname I had over 40 years ago.
Ron stood up and was behind me now, watching over my shoulder. “Well, tell him.” he said
No, I don’t know how I am going to get around to tell him without saying it.
My reply is It was the name of a Ted Nugent Song.
Then I start to think about it and I reply again with Just to be clear, I am only looking to catch up and say hi.
I don’t want him to think I am trying to hook up with him or asking anything from him. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.
He must have been waiting for my reply, because again I get an instant reply that said Well, call me and he includes his phone number.
When is a good time? I ask
Right now! Again, with the quick reply.
Oh no! I can’t call him right now. I have to relax and calm myself down. And Ron is working. I want to wait until he was done for the day. After all, contacting him was Rons’ ideas. And right now, I feel like I am 14 years old again.
I will call you later tonight after dinner I email him.
I sit here without a thought. Just staring blankly into the ceiling. I am so surprised that he had answered. I close my computer and have a big grin. Butterflies are definitely fluttering in my stomach. I am not a confrontational person. I would just relax and try not to think about the call too much. Maybe I wouldn’t call. The last time I had talked to him I was kind of a tease to him. Maybe he didn’t remember that part.

Another excerpt from "His Hold On Me", a book by my wife

Here's another sample from my Wife's book that is available for Kindle on Amazon.
First person that comments on this and downloads the book from Amazon will get to video chat with her. And if you ask nice we'll post (or share) the picture described.

CLICK. Three pictures of my splayed open pussy that was not only filled with cum by Ron. But also, the invisible cum by Stanley along with my own juices. My pussy is glistening wet and very gooey. It is running down my pussy toward my butt crack. This is one of the best things I had ever felt. I want to do it again. I can’t wait for Ron and I to go down to our bedroom and make mad passionate horny love again as we end the phone call.

More from "His Hold On Me", a book by Jenna Lenn Park

Here's another sample from my Wife's book that is available for Kindle on Amazon.
Leave here a nice comment here, or better yet a review on Amazon and I'll get her to video chat with you.
You might even get to be a character in a future book!

As he shut the door, we started kissing right away. I reached my hand out and grabbed his cock
through his jeans. It was rock hard. He moaned as I touched him. Then I moved my other hand and
started to undo his pants as we were still making out like crazy. I pulled him out of his underwear, and
since I never had the nerve to do it before, I knelt down and took him in my mouth. I sucked him off. I took
it as deep as I could, and saliva was really getting thick. I pulled my mouth off and lots of spit was
attaching us together. He came within about two minutes of sucking him. As he came in my mouth, there
was so much cum, that it was dripping out. I stood up and gave him a big kiss, so he could taste himself.

An excerpt from "His Hold On Me", a book by my wife

Just thinking of your struggle with my cock pushing to get in your tiny pussy and
how wet it got and me licking all your cum out of your pussy and how you squirmed.
Loved sliding my cock between your pussy lips and tip fucking your hymen and how
much you wanted my cock balls deep in you. I would have filled your pussy up with my
creamy load. When he's fucking you hard this morning, close your eyes and pretend I'm filling you up
with my big sticky load...

Available for Kindle on Amazon.

DM us and let us know what you think!

Meeting the old boyfriend pt 1

The phone rang and I knew by that ringtone that Bernie had called back so that he could try to get us all worked up and have phone sex again.
“Hi Poonie. Did you sleep well after our call last night?” he started. “I did after I took care of myself thinking about you.”
“Yes, I slept great.” I replied as my husband Lee walked in to listen. He had a big smile on his face. He too knew that song from my phone was going to get pretty interesting.
Then Bernie said “You guys want to meet for a drink tomorrow about noon?”
My eyes opened really wide and my lips smiled all the way to my ears as I looked at my husband. He also had a grin and was quickly nodded his head in short little motions YES
“Sure, where were you thinking?” I replied
“Let’s do something down your way.” Bernie said
“How far south are you willing to go?” I asked
“Oh Poon, you know how for south I will go.”
Oh my god! This is going to be so exhilarating was all I could think. I couldn’t even focus on what else he was saying.
“How about Red Robin in Des Moines?” I offered up
“That works. I can show you my onion ring trick. And make sure you dress like you were still 14.” Bernie instructed as he hung up.
“Are you okay with this?” I asked Lee. “I am if you are.” He responded
I thought for a minute. What harm could having a drink in a local family friendly restaurant/bar be. There would be lots of other people around.
It was going to be a long night. The next morning, I woke up and thought about what was ahead for us.
I showered and as I was in the shower, I had flashbacks to when I would actually pleasure myself in the bathtub as a young teenager with water running on my pussy from the faucet. I took the shower head down and rotated the position to pulsate and placed it between my legs as I spread then to give plenty of room. The hot steamy water was doing the trick. I could feel my pussy start to get excited and very quickly I was cumming in the shower.
I got out of the shower and I dried off. I applied a thin coating of baby oil to my legs and backside to make them glisten. I then stood in front of the mirror and thought about my hair. It was very long, very thick and auburn in color. I decided that I would straighten it and curl the front. High bangs in the front with lots of Aqua Net, just like back in the 80s. Next up, makeup. Definitely dark eyes with lots of mascara and deep dark red lipstick. I wanted to run my tongue over the shiny lips, licking each lip, left to right and then right to left.
I walked to the bedroom and looked at the clothes I had pulled out to wear. I decided on the short dress cut really low in the front to show off my ample cleavage, 44DDD. With the blue push up bra, they for sure would be on full display for anyone to see who walked by. I had blue thong panties to go with the bra. The thigh highs I chose were beige and had a lacey top. The distance between the bottom of the dress and the top of the stockings was maybe 2 inches maybe when I was standing up. I then decided on black high heels to accompany the outfit.
Since I had now picked out my outfit, before I got dressed, I went to our headboard and grabbed the bottle of clit arousal gel and applies 2 pumps to my pussy. My pussy was already damp thinking about the good time to come, and this just added to the sensitivity.
After I was dressed, I got out some dangly earrings, a dozen bangle bracelets, 1 ring on each finger and sprays on a couple spritzes of Liz Claiborne perfume.
I informed Lee that I was ready to go. Since it was a nice day, we walked out to the mustang and were on our way.
We arrived at the bar and chose a table. We were about 30 minutes early. We wanted to make sure we were there first and set up the scene. The table was in the corner and a little secluded. I ordered a Mai Tai to drink to help calm my nerves.
I nursed the drink and kept watching the entryway. There was a lot of small talk between Lee and myself. He was just as anxious as I was. I almost missed when Bernie walked in the door and looked around for us. He scanned the tables and I caught his eye as he smiled and headed towards us. And just as I knew would happen when I saw him, I turned to Lee and stared into his eyes which instantly increased my intense yearning causing me to cum sitting right there.
I squirmed and wiggled on the dark leather bench seat as I was eye fucked by my husband and at the same time, the same by my old boyfriend. It was so electric, I was buzzing.
Lees smile stayed as he squeezed my hand tight then let go so I could do my best to stand up and welcome our guest to the table. I was able to stand and step out to greet him with a big hug and just for the fun of it, a quick little kiss on the lips. MMMMM
He was so tall and big, more so than I remembered. I had to look down to make sure I was standing up straight.

To be continued...

Meeting the old boyfriend pt 2

Continued from pt 1...

No words had been spoken in the last few seconds but it felt like an eternity “Slide on over that seat like you used to do in my truck without any panties on.” Bernie instructed. I sat down and slid over to the corner, across the table from Lee, then Bernie slid in beside me.
“I am surprised you showed up this time, unlike the last time when you stood me up, leaving me all blue balled.” Bernie said.
We had made a date several years after the last time we saw each other, but I chickened out and hadn’t spoken to him since, almost 37 years ago.
Again, I held Lees hand, he was my rock and was keeping me sane and level headed.
We chatted for a while, catching up on each other’s lives. Then I excused myself to go use the restroom. After all, it was part of the plan Lee and I had come up with.
I went to the stall and pulled off my blue striped thong (the same color and pattern I wore last time I saw him, according to Bernie anyways) and put another pair of the same on. The ones I took off were to be present for Bernie, and Lee was going to be the recipient of the next pair that I was going to wear the rest of the night. The ones I took off were very wet and creamy.
I returned to the table with the panties wadded up in my hand. Bernie stood up as I came back and as I slid back to my spot. I slyly placed my hand onto his and pressed the gift to him. He saw what I had given him and put his hand up to his nose, close his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Oh, just as I Remembered.” He quickly said in his exhaled breath.
“I think it has improved with age and use.” Lee bragged.
“I remember it well and how sweet it tasted and creamy I could get you back then. Hot Poon, Hot.” Bernie made his statement of conquest.
I just sat there listening to them trying to outdo each other. It was such an enlightening time. Two men who both wanted me. One who could do whatever we wanted when he wanted and one who wanted the opportunity to go all the way with me after all this time. We never had full penetration in the past. Basically, everything but being fully inside of me. And I had always wondered what it would have felt like with him.
It was then that I felt a hand on my right thigh, up high under the hem of my dress and on top of my lacy stocking top. He was squeezing and caressing, moving ever so slowly up to my hip area.
I squeezed Lees hand hard for support. He could see what was happening. I expected him to be jealous, but the look of excitement on his face let me know that we could keep going forward.
Bernie bent over and whispered in my ear “Poon, you are making me hard!” he still had the panties in his other hand and he was rubbing them with his thumb and forefinger slowly as he still was caressing my leg.
The tension and lust at this table was quickly escalating. I didn’t know how much more I could take. I again stared into Lees eyes, and he had such power over my thought, he knew what I wanted. He turned his baseball hat backwards, which is sexier than hell, and leaned his head down onto his hand bent at the elbow on the table. He gave me the look he does when I am high charged and stared into my eyes intensely. Within a few seconds I could feel the buildup as I was on the edge of cumming right there between the two of them. Just as I was about to cum, Bernie’s hand slid inward on my thigh and his pinky slid under the little piece of fabric that covered my pulsating pussy. At that moment, I held my breath as I was about the scream out loud as I came because I had two very sexy, very hot and very horny men touching me at the same time. Again, I rocked my hips side to side, back and forth. Whatever it took to get that pinky to touch the wetness that was oozing out of me.
Bernie then pulled his hand back and put it up to his mouth, licking my pussy juice off of his hand, running his tongue around the tip of his finger. He had quite a satisfied smile, actually we all had big smiles.
He squeezed my hand, then he looked at Lee and said “Let’s take this somewhere else.”
Lee and I again looked at each other for approval and he replied “We have a room just a few minutes from here up the road, at the Sheraton on the highway.”
“I’ll meet you guys there.” Bernie stated as he got up to leave.
Lee and I quickly paid the tab and left the restaurant for the car.
“This could be the most erotic thing we have ever done.” he said.
“And fun.” I replied.
“Ok, I’m ready!” that was our way of saying that we were actually going to have a true fantasy come true. Most people only dream of this, but this lucky girl is about to experience having two men at once.

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