justbob info personal

  United Kingdom
  • justbob

  • Ocupación: Post some comments, you buggers!
  • Intereses: Anything goes, baby
  • Sexo: Hombre
  • Fecha de nacimiento: Febrero 1976
  • Grupo étnico: Blanco
  • Estado civil: Relación abierta
  • Sexualidad: Bi
  • Tabaco: A veces
  • Altura:
  • Complexión: Normal
  • Detalles sexuales: Medio
  • Formación:
  • Nacionalidad: United Kingdom
  • País de residencia: United Kingdom
  • Estado, provincia o región: A7
  • Municipio: birmingham
  • Se ha añadido una cita: 2007-11-01
  • Última visita: Para ver esta información, debes haberte suscrito antes.
  • Disponible para encontrarnos: Si


Born. Not dead yet.

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Bob's philosophies and other ideas for life
Just a few thoughts, ideas and philosophies:

1. Try anything once. If you don't like it, don't do it again.

2. Be selfish. No-one else is going to be you-ish, so if you don't look after No.1, who will?

3. Women who sleep with lots of men are not sluts. They are to be encouraged. In order for a man to have sex with lots of women (and be a stud in the eyes of his peers) there has to be an equal number of women who are also willing to have casual sex with lots of different people.

4. Religion exists so that believers have someone else to blame for their own shortcomings. That said, anyone should be allowed to have a belief in anything as long as they don't try to convince their views on others.

5. "Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place". My favourite quote and an illustration of the fundamental difference between the sexes.

6. Men learn to love the people they're attracted to. Women become more attracted to the people they fall in love with.

7. There are 2 kinds of experience. Those that make you stronger and those that kill you. In other words, if you're not dead, you're better off somehow. Might just take a little time to realise how.

8. Never bear a grudge. It will only serve to remind you of something you didn't enjoy. Don't waste time or effort dwelling on unhappy times.

9. Don't be a troll. People, especially women, will do what they want for their own ends. The ladies don't show for your benefit, they do it because it gets them off. If they're not ready upstairs, there'll be nothing happening downstairs. Oh, and guys: "show titz plees" is never, ever, EVER going to work.

10. Don't have regrets. Regardless of wealth, power, happiness or anything else; your life's fulfilment will come from being able to look back at the end and say "I did everything I wanted to".

11. Do what you want, within the boundaries of the law. Don't ever be put off because it might affect how someone else will see you or that "society" doesn't agree. We are all part of a global community in which individualism shoud be encouraged and applauded.

12." Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". Basically, before you do anything to anyone else, think how you would feel if the boot were on the other foot. Yes, that does include anal, guys (See no. 1)

13. Don't be superstitious. Superstition, like horoscopes, mysticism and religion, will mean you spend less time dealing with reality. There's enough to do on this planet without worrying about anywhere else.

Be lucky, horny and happy.

Rob x

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  • horny666
  •   United Kingdom
      43 años
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