The night was coming to a close, and just as planned your girlfriend was getting pretty drunk. I was excited that you were successful into having her come over for an afterbar party. I bet she had no idea what she was in for...
We got back to the house with her and several of my friends. They were all in on it - I had told them to follow my lead and promised they'd get some of the best pussy they could ever imagine. I lead the party down to the bar and we get the music and drinks flowing. I notice your friend starting to get a bit flirty with the boys and I knew my plan was coming together perfectly.
After a couple more drinks we all agreed to play some truth or dare. A few turns go by and as usual the conversation shifts to sex. We get a couple of the guys naked, and you two girls. God you're both sexy. I'm glad you sat by each other too, because I can tell she's checking you out...I think she wants you...
The dares are getting a bit more aggressive, and next thing you know both of you girls are sucking some cock - you on mine and her on a friend's before trading off. The game stops and we all start going at it. She's loving it and starting to look crazy for cock - god I bet she hasn't been fucked good in ages....
I lead you to the table and lay you down, face up on it. I motion for 2 of the guys to offer you their cocks so you can suck on them, stroking one while you suck the other like a good pet. As you keep busy I move over and aggressively grab your friend by the hair and start fucking her mouth. She looks so worried at first but I keep going, while some other guys start groping at her tits...she suddenly changes and goes folds to my control. No more look of worry in her eyes - just lust. Pure lust. I've gained control of her...
I lead her by the hair over to show her what you're up to; how you're deepthroating those boys and servicing them so well. I SLAP the insides of your thighs hard so they immediately get red, and then tug her hair to bring her mouth to that soaking hole.
She dives right in and begins to suck your clit into her mouth...I can hear your muffled moans around that guy's balls. I bet he loved it. I give her a couple of solid spanks and tease her pussy lips with my fingers - she's really wet. I reach down and cup both of her breasts with my hands, groping them a bit before lifting her up and away from you - a nice shiney string of your wetness finally dropping off her lip onto her chest.
I walk her over and push the guys back a bit, your hands still on their cocks. I instruct her to sit on your face, backwards, so that she can watch me fucking you. She instantly abides and begins forcefeeding you her cunt. I begin pounding the hell out of you, telling you to cum as much as you can on my cock. You've been such a good girl, you've earned it...
She locks eyes with me and I can tell she's just about to cum. Holding your hip steady with my left hand, I grab her firmly by the jaw as I fuck you and tell her "cum on her face, now!" and she does. She actually lifts up a bit and I can see her cum gushing out - and I knew that would be the perfect time to fill you up...
I start going faster and faster, slapping your tits and motioning for everybody to come over. The guys start jerking their cocks and groping at you - teasing your clit even as I slowly slide my cock in and out of that sloppy, cummy mess of a pussy.
I motion for your friend to come over and get a taste. As she kneels back in front of you I slip my cock into her cunt while I was still hard. You look down at the scene - many cocks stroking over you and about to cum, your hot friend eating my creampie from you, and me behind her stuffing her full.
It doesn't take her long to start ***** around my thick cock - I tell everybody to spray you right then and there. I tug her hair back to make sure she pulls her face up to see these men all pumping their hot cum on your chest, neck, and tummy. I can feel her wetness dripping down my balls as she runs her hands up and down your body...
I think we've got a new plaything...

Todos los participantes ha superado la edad de 18 años.