Well Nadine came around this weekend, hadnt seen her in sometime and after edging last week and cumming in a near body orgasm perhaps my expectations were too much. Maybe.
She’s always full of fun and has dozens of sex stories, photos and vids to share we sit and enjoy these with some porn before getting down to things. It's always been no 'holes' barred for us. Yeah the pics are around the vid is there we didnt watch porn but we did get to the bed.
She gave the quickest head known to man refused oral on her and by this time i was getting a little lost, this aint Nadine, where's Nadine?
Rolled over to her side for me to enter oh before asking me to put a rubber on (a first for us) and laid still the whole time. Needless to say I came quickly (think my cock was embarrassed by the whole time).
We remain friends of course but it's dipped, don't take your good times too lightly sometimes they are worth their weight.
She'e on here someplace, perhaps you will run into her and find the Nadine I knew, if you do it'll be great for you.
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