Well, it's been quite a while since we added to our blog. Time is making it's inevitable mark on our bodies. It must soon be time that we ceased posting & left it to the younger & very hot people who have found the freedom of the internet as we did. I (the lucky husband) have noted that there are some very harsh judges on here these days. Not just for us, but for many who take the time & trouble to make the videos & post them to the net for others to enjoy. it is a shame. i am guessint that the harsh judges are lonely individuals who have found the love ..... or the sex, that some of us have been lucky enough to find.
We want to congratulate all of the beautiful, sexy & uninhibited women, girls & guys who have found that they enjoy sharing their fun & their sex with the world.
To all who have taken the time to message us, to comment on our videos & to appreciate our efforts, we thank you.
We hope to continue posting for a while yet. You're never too old to enjoy great.... or even good... sex. But, at some point, we will become obselete. The younger, more vibrant & tighter fleshed will continue to post & entertain all of you beautiful deviants out there.
I (Dave) take this opportunity to make this observation. There are still many guys who post pics & videos of their partners, or playmates, happy to show the female faces.... but never their own face?? That is a shame. Many of these particular guys, have no respect for their female stars. If only they would realise that, without their female stars.... they have nothing..... they are nothing. Further on that vein. As a ***** boy, I heard other boys in the ***** ground, refer to the "loose girls" as "sluts"... the guys who used these girls were "studs"... It didn't seem fair then... it still doesn't seem fair now. Without those "sluts"... the guys were nothing.... I salute all of the "sluts" that I have had the pleasure to meet..... Perhaps, if more guys had respect for their female friends & partners..... there might be more "sluts" for us all to enjoy.
The above is from one of the world's biggest "sluts".... Dave. :):):)