Lunes, 17 diciembre 2007 @ 15:59
In a lot of my videos, there are a lot of comments where people like to call me fat, huge, and my fav "walrus". Seriously it makes me laugh. Don't believe you are hurting my feelings one bit, because I still continue to put out my videos for everyone that has been enjoying them. And for those particular haters, PLEASE continue to leave your comments. Believe it or not you help me gain more exposure!! Think about it, if someone is browsing the site and see one of my vids with 20 comments. 15 of them can be hate comments (hypothetically speaking of course), but that one extra person that adds to my view list. Thanks to those hater comments, my vids average nearly 30,000 views per vid. That's more than a lot of these vids get on the site, and I'm glad to continue to post these high-quality vids.
So haters please keep posting your comments. No matter how hateful or hurtful you intend to be, you're just helping me out. And thank again :)
Miss Candy