Day 30
The final day of my 30 day blogging challenge, and a good time to recap on what has happened during those 30 days I think:
Number of people adding me as a friend – 1
Number of people removing me from their friends list – 2!
Number of ‘crimes’ still regularly being committed – All of them
Number of propositions for cyber sex I have received – 0
Number of items censored – 3
Number of repetitions - 0
Number of orgasms I had over the 30 days – 1 more than Mrs ALM had in September
Number of abusive comments on my profile/pics – 1
Number of nice comments on profile/pics – 17
Number of days I thought I’d pack it in and fail – 30
Number of days I’m glad I carried on – 29
Number of people I know I got through to and changed their behavior – 0
Number of different countries I resided in – 4
Number of people correctly guessing who I am – 1
Number of hours of my life I’ll never get back spent writing the blogs - 12
Number of cigarettes smoked while writing the 30 blogs – 46
Number of pairs of underwear ruined – 1
Number of objects surgically removed from my ass – 1
Number of repetitions - 1
I hope I have entertained as many people as I have pissed off, and hope I have helped a few people to realize they really shouldn’t take the shit in here too seriously.
Life is what you choose to make it, I chose to make mine into a soiled pair of pants, I hope you all achieve similar success in yours!!
If anyone has any other challenges for me, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to ignore them!
Thank you for staying with me for the 30 days

Todos los participantes ha superado la edad de 18 años.