Hi Yuvutu Family!
I've decided just this minute to renovate my profile. I've decided to delete the only 2 vids that I made. I haven't made up my mind as to whether or not I should make new videos. I should because this site is awesome. But I shouldn't because I have pics.. and that should be enough really, lol. I'm not really sure if I should delete my pics. If I do.. well then of course I'd have to make new ones. But I'm lazy.. soooooo yeh, I better not delete those wonderful pics of mine.
For those of you that did put my vids in your faves, I'm sorry and for what it's worth I still have fantitstatic pics!
Anywho.. thank's to those that made me feel appreciated and loved. (This seems like some kind of g'bye blog.. but I promise it's not) I know I haven't been online as much either. And to those that I don't talk to anymore.. I miss yas! I seriously miss a lot of you's.. and I feel bad for not coming into chat as much. There's a lot of you that I miss talking to on day to day basis. There are way too many people to list in this blog.. you know who you guys are. And if you're asking yourself if you're on that list.. than the answer is NO mother fucker, lol. JK :) But um I'm still here.. feel free to say hi to me. Private message me.. ... send me a message via carrier pigeon... or do whatever ya wanna do. I will respond.
Anwayz.. I'm still here... and I'm alive and well. As I mentioned before.. sorry about deleting the vids.. but wank on to some pics. :)
Love, Dills