nut1370 info personal

  United Kingdom
  • nut1370

  • Ocupación:
  • Intereses:
  • Sexo: Hombre
  • Fecha de nacimiento: Julio 1970
  • Grupo étnico: Blanco
  • Estado civil: Solo
  • Sexualidad: Hetero
  • Tabaco: A veces
  • Altura: 172 cm 5 ft 8 in
  • Complexión: Normal
  • Detalles sexuales: Medio
  • Formación: Escuela
  • Nacionalidad: United Kingdom
  • País de residencia: United Kingdom
  • Estado, provincia o región:
  • Municipio:
  • Se ha añadido una cita: 2009-08-06
  • Última visita: Para ver esta información, debes haberte suscrito antes.
  • Disponible para encontrarnos: Si



nut1370 vídeos

 - Tribute
  •   4K
  •  30/12/21
  •  66%
 - Cum inside
  •   6K
  •  28/10/21
  •  77%

nut1370 fotos

  •   937
  •  10/03/19
  •  76%
  •   1K
  •  10/08/14
  •  0%
  •   1K
  •  25/05/13
  •  0%

nut1370 blogs

Quite a surprise

(Name has been changed to protect privacy)

Following my recent move, I was invited by a neighbour, Connie, to help with some work in her house. Connie is recently single after her cheating husband left and she is, by her own admission, useless at handywork around the house. I won't go into the reasons how or why due to space on here though.

After rewiring her kitchen oven, I was picking up all my tools and wire ends etc., when Connie, not an unattractive 45yr old (nor attractive either if I'm honest) met me in the hallway. She was not flirting or being naughty in anyway but offered me a beer. We returned to the kitchen and she opened a bottle of Grolsch. I reached out my hand to take it from her and before I could get out "thanks", she lunged at me, planting her lips on mine. Still with a cold beer between us, I returned the kiss, even now I don't know why. But there it is. Without even batting an eyelid, she unzipped my trousers and yanked out my hard cock from my boxers, expertly wanking my shaft. Remember, we hadn't even flirted!

She then unlocked her lips from me, leant back, cock still in her spare hand and asked me to take my beer. I wasn't sure what the protocol here was so, I gratefully took the bottle and took a swig. She then knelt down and began sucking, licking and stroking my precum-leaking cock. Before long, I knew I was about to come so, I asked her to stand up. When she arrived back at face level. I placed my beer on the kitchen counter and pulled her to me, undoing her blouse with one hand. My other hand was fiddling with her jeans button. She was very impatient and, ordered me to go upstairs. I knew which bedroom she used as, her house is identical to mine. However, when I arrived in her room, she was not behind me. She appeared just a few nervous heartbeats later, totally naked. I have to tell you, I love the shaven look more than any other and, Connie was completely bald between her legs.

Given the circumstances of this encounter, I don't think I've been any harder than I was then and, I could see she was very horny. To cut a long story short, we licked, sucked, fucked and came many times over the next few hours and, only stopped when we ran out of energy many hours later.

We have made tentative arrangements to do this again tomorrow night when her son goes back to university. We had a little moment earlier when I popped round with her post (fucking Royal Mail!) when she rubbed my cock through my trousers. I would have had her then had it not been for her son being there. He was talking on the phone just the other side of the living room door.

More to come on this I hope. No pun intended

cutiepie51 said:
Thank you for your kind words
horny50 said:
Love the blog experienced similar event with married lady whilst her
hubby was away.
darkling said:
glad you like my
dramref said:
nice blog m8
em6224 said:
Thanks for the nice comment on my video! xoxo Em
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  • 2lvrs
  •   United States
  • hornyjan69
  •   United Kingdom
      53 años
  • mirmu
  •   Hetero
      59 años
  • Bobasire
  •   United Kingdom
      45 años
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